Dr. Lisa Brown

Dr. Lisa Brown

Assistant Professor Graduate Studies Office Location: GB Suite 142, Room 147 Phone: (210) 805-3073

Dr. Brown learned through genealogical research that In 1863, her 3rd great-grandfather (Samuel Martin) mustered into the U.S. Civil War as a private in the military and finished in 1865 as a sergeant for the 58th U.S. Colored Infantry in Natchez, MS. She proudly self-identifies as a descendant of U.S. Freedmen.

Brown is an energetic woman and innovative scholar-practitioner with experience demonstrating impacts on adult learning and development, creative teaching with technology, student success, and active civic engagement. She has a record of scholarship in creating academic initiatives in higher education, community outreach, giving service to the university, and in the professional fields of adult education, adult learning, civic engagement, and public administration.

Equally important, she has strong evidence of consistently demonstrating my capacity for courage, collegiality, compassion, and integrity, as well as being an innovative scholar who is well-equipped to facilitate others and further their academic development as leaders.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) 
Adult Education, Learning, and Organization Development
University of Georgia, Athens, GA

Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Specialization Program Evaluation
University of Akron, Akron, OH

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Biology/Minor: Chemistry
University of Akron, Akron, OH

Interdisciplinary Certificate in University Teaching
University of Georgia Graduate School

5-Year Substitute Multi-Age PK-12
Ohio Department of Education

Assistant Professor, University of the Incarnate Word (August 2021 - Present)
Dreeben School of Education - Graduate Studies Department/ Adult Education, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programs

Adjunct Professor, Columbus State Community College (August 2019 - July 2021)
Department of Psychology and Education - Summer Instructor, Upward Bound Programs

Faculty Diversity Fellow, Ursuline College (July 2017 - June 2018)
School of Arts & Sciences/Graduate Programs - Department of Education Studies

Co-Instructor, University of Georgia all Graduate-Level courses (August 2012 - May 2016)

Chief, Organization Primary Partner (OPP) (May 2015 - Present) Emergent Global Spirals (EGS) Consulting http://egsmemeticresearch.wordpress.com/scholar-consultants/

Associate Director, Community Action for Playground Safety (CAPS) program (Oct. 1999 - Aug. 2004) Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, OH

Director, Intercultural Relations Edinboro University of Pennsylvania (EUP) Division of Academic Affairs (July 1992 - Aug. 1999)

Research Associate, University of Akron Center for Urban Studies, and Joint Center for Policy Research (Sept. 1991 - Aug. 1992)

Coordinator Minority Admissions and Retention Programs, Miami University of Ohio Office of Admission & Financial Aid (June 1990 - July 1991)

Coordinator, Peer Counseling Program University of Akron Office of the Assistant to the President Director of Minority Affairs (Sept. 1986 - June 1990)

Interventions in Organizational Development

Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis

Generating New Knowledge in Qualitative Research Processes

History, Philosophy, & Future of Adult Education

Adult Learning and Development

Methods and Strategies in Adult Education

College Teaching

Effective Teams and Groups

Recent Publications

Brown, L. R., & Molina, M. (2024). Using Twitter Spaces to explore reparations for Black American descendants of U.S. Freedmen: Activism, ethnicity, and online informal adult learning. In L.R. Brown, L. Holyoke, A. McClain, P. McCray, T. Ferro, & A. Ayers (Eds). American Association for Adult and Continuing Education: 2023 Conference Proceedings, Lexington, KY, October 3-6, 2023, (pp. 13-19). http://eric.ed.gov/?q=ED648717&ff1=pubReports++Research&ff2=autLisa+R.+Brown&id=ED649302

Brown, L. R. (2024, June 30). Concern about how Juneteenth is represented | Guest opinion: Dr. Lisa R. Brown suggests that groups add the Juneteenth flag to all flyers, as its symbolism and colors are paramount to the commemoration. Akron Beacon Journal.

Molina, M. I., Brown, L. R., Miranda, E., Montoya, E., Villarreal, E., & Caldwell-Serges, L. (2024). Culturally competent healthcare and its impact on education and policy Reformation. The 65th Annual Adult Education Research Conference |UGA campus - Gwinnett, Georgia June 13-15, http://newprairiepress.org/aerc/2024/roundtables/14/

Brown, L. R., & Molina, M. I. (2024 in press). Using Twitter "X" Spaces to explore democracy and online adult activism: Learning about reparations for Black American descendants of U.S. Freedmen. Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal (DSJ), 8(3), x–x.

Isaac-Savage, E. P., Fears, B. A., Brown, L. R., & Williams, S. (2024). Instructional perspectives of Christian educators in the Black Church, The 65th Annual Adult Education Research Conference |UGA campus - Gwinnett, Georgia June 13-15,

Brown, L. R., & Guzman-Foster, S. L., (2024). Online civic engagement, political agency, and sustaining communities with informal education: Negotiating misogynoir. In L.R. Brown, A. Baize-Ward, L. Holyoke, Y. Hunter-Johnson, & B. McNamara (Eds). American Association for Adult and Continuing Education: 2022 Conference Proceedings, Milwaukee, WI, October 11-14, 2022, (pp. 14-25).

Brown, L. R., McDowell, E., Darity Jr., W. A., & Mullen, A. K. (2023). Response to OMB FRN Docket #OMB-2023-0001: Initial Proposals For Updating OMB's Race and Ethnicity Statistical Standards© Prepared by select subcommittee members of the Reparations Planning Committee (RPC)[Technical Report].

Brown, L. R., McCray, P., Neal, J. L., & Caldwell-Serges, L. (2023). Corporate Digital Literacy Mandates: Using SDT-Based Strategies to Circumvent "Quiet Quitting" Syndrome. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), 16(2), pp. 18–36. http://doi.org/10.3991/ijac.v16i2.35747

Brown, L. R., McDowell, E., Darity Jr., W. A., & Mullen, A. K. [Dr. Lisa R. Brown]. (2023, January 29). Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Initial Proposals For Updating OMB's Race and Ethnicity Statistical Standards: Directive 15 Research Presentation RPC Subcommittee.[Video]. YouTube.

Brown, L.R., McCray, P. & Neal, J. (2023). Creating affective collaborative adult teams and groups guided by Spiral Dynamic Theory. In D. Guralnick et al. (Eds.), Innovative approaches to technology-enhanced learning for the workplace and higher education, (pp. 81–96). Springer Publishing. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21569-8_8

Brown, L. R. (2023). Reparations and adult education: Civic and community engagement for lifelong learners. In W.A. Darity, L. Hubbard, & K.A. Mullen (Eds.), The Black reparations project: A handbook for racial justice (pp. 147-173). UC Berkeley Press.

Brown, L.R., Dixon, M., Marley, K., Darity Jr., W.A., & Mullen, A.K. (2021, October 18). FHTE Reparationist Quick Guide Volume 2(1). The Moguldom Nation.
http://moguldom.com/376720 /from-here-to-equality-reparationist-quick-guide-volume-2-issue-1-october-2021/

Cannon, S.C., Jones, F., & Scully-Russ, E. (2021, April 15th). In L.R. Brown, W.A. Darity, & A.K. Mullen, (Eds.), FHTE Reparationist Quick Guide Volume 1(3). The Moguldom Nation. http://moguldom.com/348460/from-here-to-equality-fhte-reparationist-quick-guide-issue-3/

Darity Jr., W.A., Mullen, A.K., Brown, L.R., & Piemonte, G. (2021, February 16). FHTE Reparationist Quick Guide Volume 1(2). Actify Press. http://actifypress.com/ados-reparationist-quick-guide-volume-1-issue-2/ Darity Jr., W.A., Mullen, A.K., Brown, L.R., & Piemonte, G. (2021, February 1). FHTE Reparationist Quick Guide Volume 1(2). Moguldom. http://moguldom.com/333550/reparations-scholars-including-dr-sandy-darity-launch-free-from-here-to-equality-fhte-reparations-quick-guide-issue-2/

Darity Jr., W.A., Mullen, A.K., Brown, L.R., & Cannon, S.C. (2021, January 30th). ADOS Reparationist Quick Guide Volume 1(1). Actify Press.

Darity Jr., W.A., Mullen, A.K., Brown, L.R., & Cannon, S.C. (2020, October 12). ADOS Reparationist Quick Guide Volume 1(1). Moguldom. http://moguldom.com/310148/ados-reparationist-quick-guide-october-2020-volume-1-issue-1/

Recent Presentations

Presenter, Brown L.R. (2024). Civic Engagement Praxis and The Black Church Juxtaposition White Christian Nationalism: Where do we go From Here? | 78th Annual AAACE Conference, Creating New Trajectories for Adult Education, Peppermill Reno Resort| Reno, NV, October 29- November 1.

Chair & Co-Presenter (2024, Roundtable discussion) Brown, L. R., Isaac-Savage, E.P., Gray Jr., M., Neal, J., Caldwell-Serges, L. (2024) The role of Gospel Music and Negro Spirituals as inspirational adult pedagogy. 109th Annual Conference Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), Omni William Penn Hotel | Pittsburgh, PA, September 25-29.

Co-presenter (2023, paper proposal accepted) Isaac-Savage, E. P., Fears, B. A., & Brown, L. R., Williams, S. (2024).Instructional perspectives of Christian educators in the Black Church, The 65th Annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC) | UGA campus - Gwinnett, Georgia June 13-15, 2024

Lead Co-Presenter (2023), Using Twitter Spaces to Explore Reparations for Black American Descendants of U.S. Freedmen: Activism, Ethnicity, and Online Informal Adult Learning, 77th Annual AAACE Conference, Informing, Reforming, and Transforming: The Vital Role of Adult Education in Challenging Times, Hilton Lexington Downtown |Lexington, KY, October 3-6

Presenter (2023), Civic Engagement, The Black Church, and Reparations: From Hold My Mule to Where's My Mule? 108th Annual Conference Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), Hyatt Regency Riverfront | Jacksonville, FL, September 20-24.

Closing Remarks Speaker,(2022), UIW Graduate Student Research Symposium, Level Up—Educating the Whole Scholar for Community Building: A Healthy Mind, Body and Spirit, UIW SEC, December 2-3

Lead RPC Subcommittee Co-Presenter, (2022), U.S. Federal Office of Management and Budgets (OMB) Listening Session, Optimizing Directive 15 by Race Delineation for all & Preserving Ethnic Identity: Black American Descendants of U.S. Slavery, Online hearing, November 21.

Lead Co-Presenter, (2022) Online civic engagement, political agency, and sustaining communities with informal education: Negotiating misogynoir, 71st Annual AAACE Conference Adaptability, Flexibility, and Sustainability: Adult Education in Dynamic Times, Hyatt Regency Milwaukee | Milwaukee, WI, October 11-14

Lead Co-Presenter, (2022) Creating Affective Collaborative Adult Teams and Groups Guided by Spiral Dynamic Theory. 15th Annual Learning Ideas Conference: Innovations in Learning and Technology for the Workplace and Higher Education, June 15-17, Columbia University, NY

External Grants:

2024, Urban League $2000 Grant for Summit Lake Community Center Reading Circles | Akron, OH

2024, Books Donation Award ($600 funded estimated value) Free Copies of the Young Readers Edition of The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks [Black History Month teaching resource for Summit Lake Community Center, Akron Ohio.

2024, Books Donation Award ($600 funded estimated value) Free Copies of the Young Readers Edition of The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks [Black History Month teaching resource for St. Mary's University Upward Bound Program). Zinn Education Project Teaching People's History.

2023 City of Akron, Clean, Safe, Dry, and ADA Accessible ($25.000 funded) Akron ARPA Home Repair Program grant

2021 Invited Researcher/Awardee - William T. Grant Foundation ($300,000 funded) Grant to Support Research on Reparations for Black American Descendants of Enslaved Persons. (Duke University collaboration)

UIW Grants:

2024-2025 UIW Faculty Graduate Research Award ($6,480 funded) Teaching & Research Assistant

  • 2024, Professional Development Funding from ASALH Conference, Pittsburgh, PA ($1,200 funded)
  • 2023, UIW Faculty Professional Development Funds for the AAACE Conference, Lexington, KY ($1,200 funded)
  • 2023, Professional Development Funding from UIW Provost, ASALH Conference, Jacksonville, FL ($2,367.03 funded)
  • 2022-2023 UIW Faculty Graduate Research Award ($6,480 funded) for The Rise of American Misogynoir: A Spiral Dynamic Theory and Educator Guide
  • 2022 UIW Faculty Development Award ($1,200 funded) TLC Innovations in Learning and Technology for the Workplace and Higher Education.

Leadership Roles:

Paper Session Chair, (2023), Pedagogy as Practice, 108th Annual Conference Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), Hyatt Regency Riverfront | Jacksonville, FL, September 19-24.

Paper Session Chair, (2023), Economics as a Way Out, 108th Annual Conference Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), Hyatt Regency Riverfront | Jacksonville, FL, September 21.

Chair/Editor, (2022-2024), Conference Proceedings for the Annual American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE)

Active Memberships:

Member, Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE)

Member, American Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH)

Member, American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE)

Member, American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Member, Commission for Adult Basic Education and Literacy (CABEL)

Member, Commission for Professors of Adult Education (CPAE)

Member, International Assoc. for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement

Member, Commission for Community College, Extension, Vocational Education

Member, Commission for Community, Minority & Non-Formal Education (CCMNFE)

Member, Commission for Distance Learning and Technology (CDLT)

Member, Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE)

Member, Commission for Workforce and Professional Development (CWPD)

Member, Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) International Honor Society in Education

Member, World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF)

2023, Women Who Inspire – International Day of the Girl Child, October 11, Friends of the UIW Young Women's Global Leadership Project

2023, National Freedom Scholar Award, Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH)

Service to the Profession:

Peer Reviewer Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress JUMP (2024)

Peer Reviewer Religions Journal – MDPI (2024)

Peer Reviewer Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal (2023)

Peer Reviewer Adult Education Quarterly Journal (2024)

Peer Reviewer Journal of Adult Development (2021)

UIW Graduate Student Fall Research Symposium (2021)

Service to the Community:

National Association for Black Social Workers & Freedom Bloc (Community Workshop), Akron, OH (2023, February 25). Linage-Based Reparations for Black American Descendants of U.S. Freedmen and Slaves: Reevaluating Relationships to Emerging Pan-Africanism.

2022-2025 Nominee for the Executive Committee of the Commission for Professor of Adult Education (CPAE) Member-at-Large American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE)

Service to the University (2021-Present):

2024 UIW Black History Month Committee

2024 Member, UIW Faculty Affairs Committee

2024-2022 UIW Graduate Student Honors Convocation Coordinator

2023 Member, UIW Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC)

2022 UIW Black History Month Committee

2022 UIW Faculty Senator Proxy for Lecretia Fraga Meetings: 9/7

2021 DSE Teach Education P.D. Workshop: Leveraging Community Partnerships to Engage Diverse Learners, UIW, October 2.

2021 Planning Committee Member, UIW Graduate Studies Research Symposium, November 15-18

2021 Committee Member, Dreeben School of Education Assistant Professor Job Search